Blue Océan and Green Resort pilot sites for a composting solution!

BLUE OCEAN and GREEN RESORT, chosen by start-up TRIBIOVAL to test bio-waste management solutions in the tourism sector, under the aegis of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.

As part of the Innovative Tourism in Nouvelle-Aquitaine (TINA) scheme supported by the region, the Blue Océan campsite and the Green Resort ecolodge in Ondres are carrying out a comparative test of 2 solutions for sorting and recovering bio-waste from their customers:

Compost pavilions at Blue Océan and Green Resort
Photo credits : N. Boueyguet

1 – Pavilion composting: holidaymakers place the contents of their biobucket in a feed bin and add the dry matter from the second bin. The third bin is used for maturing before spreading. This is the traditional composting system, where the customer has a role to play in producing the compost.

Collection bin La Consigne Verte – Photo credit : S. Gobbato

2 – A connected collection bin (La Consigne Verte): holidaymakers deposit the contents of their biobucket in the bin, which is opened by a badge. This system enables accommodation providers to track compost users, and tourists to monitor their efforts via an online application. This solution is similar to the sorting of recyclable materials (cardboard, glass, etc.) that is already part of our everyday life. It does not require any additional action to create the composting phenomenon, and the waste is collected each week by an external service provider.

Consolidating its position as a region supporting innovation and ecological transition, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region is currently examining the issues surrounding bio-waste management in the tourism sector. This is an urgent issue, as businesses in the sector will be required to organise and implement sorting and organic recovery from 2024. The young company TRIBIOVAL, winner of the call for experiments in more resilient tourism, and its sister association Les Carrioles Vertes, have been commissioned by the region to come up with possible solutions for tourist accommodation providers.

In its search for test sites, TRIBIOVAL turned to BLUE OCEAN and GREEN RESORT, which have been at the forefront of innovation in environmental protection for years (1st European Ecolabel in the region, 1st French hotel partner of the Surfrider Foundation). In addition to the new state-of-the-art facilities, BLUE OCEAN and GREEN RESORT will be offering their guests composting events throughout the summer. The lessons learnt from the pilot project will then be made available to professionals in the tourism sector from this autumn, to prepare them as effectively as possible for the forthcoming deadline.

BLUE OCEAN and GREEN RESORT are delighted to be taking part in this experiment, which brings together innovative companies, an inspiring association, a research centre and committed local and regional councillors.

La Consigne Verte by Tribioval

Founded in 2021, Tribioval is a Social and Solidarity Economy start-up that advises companies and local authorities on managing the sorting and recovery of bio-waste.

Tribioval markets La Consigne Verte, a system of connected collection bins linked to a smartphone application, enabling users to keep track of their sorting activities.

The founders of Tribioval had previously set up the association Les Carrioles Vertes, which offers training and awareness-raising events for the general public, as well as a compost purchasing business.